Partnership with ABC


Ascendant Biotech Corporation is a biotechnology company and a medical access platform focused on expediting the global launch of necessary medical therapeutics

Ascendant Biotech Corporation is a biotechnology company focused on expediting the global launch of necessary medical therapeutics. We have dedicated the last 6 years to identifying and pursuing ground-breaking technologies for terminal and chronic diseases, all the while building relationships that will facilitate our nonclinical and clinical trials.

For the institutions and companies that ABC chooses to partner with, we offer a valuable strategic hedge by creating an additional path to commercialization

ABC concurrently enters a different geographical market for the partnering institution, such that the institution does not divert valuable capital and management bandwidth from its efforts to enter its primary market. This allows for an expeditious launch of the institution’s technology into the global market.
Having an already approved medical product in the global market allows for an accelerated entrance into the institution’s primary market. This increases the technology’s valuation and, thus, enables our partner to attain its main end goal — to sustainably grow its company.